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Waident’s Christmas Tech WishList

  Ho-ho-ho! At Waident, we love good tech, and just like last year, we've curated a dazzling Christmas Tech Wishlist. Dive into the holiday spirit with this collection and discover inspiration for your own Wishlist or get a tech-infused gift idea for your friends...

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We support the technology essential to your organizationMake life easier for your IT team  As more data and infrastructure are virtualized, our solutions address the resources needed for access and protection of data in the cloud. A software-defined data center runs...

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Cybersecurity Solutions for Banks

Reduce cybersecurity risk, safeguard critical infrastructure, and protect sensitive customer dataWaident's Cybersecurity Services for Banks In the financial industry, cybersecurity should never be an afterthought.Waident offers comprehensive, proactive cybersecurity...

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Why Waident?

We Deliver Resilient IT.A new model of IT support, for a new age of technology resilience Waident integrates its services into your organization to ensure your technology issues never become fiascoes.  We manage and monitor every device on your network so we can...

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Strategic Cutting Edge Thinking

  Waident delivers strategic thinking and proactive IT support We always put people before technology. After all, technology is useless unless it serves you. That means we do more than just monitor and maintain your core technology. We conduct quarterly meetings,...

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An IT company that truly cares

Waident provides the best IT support services in the industry by caring about your business just as much as you do. We're business owners too. We wouldn't want cookie cutter services and support, and we know you...

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Integral Technology Needs IT Support

  Have custom applications or technology? Waident supports those. Many IT companies can't or won't support custom business applications or technology. Waident does. If it's critical to your business, Waident will keep it running. We work to learn your business...

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Pragmatic business owners demand a strategic, practical approach to IT to keeping employees productive, their enterprise running, and company data safe.  We deliver it through Resilient IT by seamlessly integrating it into your business to ensure IT issues never...

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Shopping for a New IT Company

1. You're tired of retraining and rehiring IT personnel 2. You're tired of putting out IT fires with limited or no help 3. You've outgrown your current IT support person or company 4. You don't feel your IT support company truly cares about your business 5. Your IT...

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Documentation – Your IT “Canary in a Coal Mine”

I consistently hear the same technology concerns from business owners and executives: they don’t know what they don’t know. Do they have the right IT team in place (internal or outsourced)? Do they have the optimal technology solutions for their business? How, they...

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Make an Older Smartphone Like New Again

Got an older phone that has been misbehaving but you are not ready to buy a new one? This was the situation I was faced with recently. I like my Note 4 and am not super excited about any new devices to replace it, so I wanted to wait until upgrading. The phone is over...

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Would you rather….

Nearly all companies today find themselves in a similar surreal business situation. However, ask yourself, would you rather expend your energy fighting to keep everything status quo or ante up to suffer the pain of change? Would you rather stagnate in the new COVID-19...

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At Waident, we provide stimulating work for our associates, in an atmosphere that's friendly, challenging, and supportive. Because we're a small firm, we're able to notice, recognize and reward exceptional achievement. Perks of working at Waident include medical...

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The Latest Ransomware Threat

It’s no surprise that the state of cybersecurity is constantly changing. Criminals will be criminals. Knowing this does not make it any less annoying to think that just when you have addressed one vulnerability, another one (or two) opens up. It can drive a business...

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