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To Team or Not to Team – That is the Question

They say that the definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I often see companies doing crazy things.  They hire a single IT person to handle all of their technology needs.  That person hasn’t got the breadth of...

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Waident Peer Advisory Groups

What are They? Each month, Waident brings together business executives from all industries to discuss their business challenges and ideas with a group of their peers. Each new meeting showcases one executive, who has the spotlight to talk about whatever is on their...

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Waident Peer Advisory Groups

Years ago, someone told me to start my own networking group and invite all of the brilliant and opinionated people I know to attend. I am not a big fan of "networking" events and wanted to do something different. My experience is that these traditional networking...

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OMG, Your Technology Budget is How Much?

Yes, we’re heading into budget season again – time to lift your focus from the day-to-day business to plan one to three years out. Let’s face it – most of us don’t look forward to creating and managing a budget (except the CFOs – God bless them). My experience,...

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Baffle ‘em with B.S.

Technology consultants – I’m not a big fan. And I don’t think I’m alone. Sure, some large companies need consultants, but I believe that smaller firms should steer clear of them. Frankly the larger companies don’t really need them either, but that is another blog...

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It’s the People, Stupid

Have you ever heard the technology acronym PEBKAC? Or maybe PICNIC or an ID-10T error? If not, I’ll let you in on this secret IT slang: PEBKAC - "Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair” PICNIC - "Problem In Chair Not In Computer" ID-10T error - "Idiot error" Funny...

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Part 1 of Maintaining Margin as You Grow – Two-fers

A Forbes blog entitled “3 Reasons Why Great Companies Stop Growing—And the Solution” said it well, “When companies grow, they come to certain places where the things that used to work, the things that created that level of success, don’t work anymore. We call these...

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Our People

At Waident, we want our tech people to think like business people. We want the first thing that IT thinks about when starting a task is “How will this impact the users?” How will it impact their jobs, their time doing their tasks, the effort to learn a new approach,...

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Waident Peer Advisory Groups

Years ago, someone told me to start my own networking group and invite all of the brilliant and opinionated people I know to attend. I am not a big fan of "networking" events and wanted to do something different. My experience is that these traditional networking...

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Charging your phone in a public place? Beware!

FBI recommends avoiding free charging stations in airports, hotels, or shopping centers, as it may put your security at risk. Recently on Twitter, the FBI cautioned that, “Bad actors have figured out ways to use public USB ports to introduce malware and monitoring...

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Avoid the Cold Sweats about Passwords

Do you want to know my dirty little secret?  One that I think is shared by millions?  For years I have not very securely managed my personal passwords.  You know the list -- everything from login information for shopping websites and personal bank accounts, to...

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Waident is committed to ensuring that its website is accessible to people with disabilities. All the pages on our website will meet W3C WAI’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1, Level AA conformance. Report any issues using the form below. [si-contact-form...

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The iPhone 2

The new iPhone has not been released yet, but I have a lot of people asking me about them. Since Waidet supports all of the technology our clients utilize, including all types of handheld's, anytime something new comes along, we check it out and get a lot of questions...

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Password Security

Security is top of mind for the team. We discuss with clients about being prudent with security and sharing best practices, and We've run into multiple people with forgotten password issues. Everyone should worry about security, at least a little, to ensure they are...

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Security – Just Deal With It Already!

There are way too many stories about companies that discover a security breach and then find out that the actual breach happened months or even years ago. Yikes. No one ever wants to be in that position so why not try to avoid it? Krebs on Security wrote a good...

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100 Reasons Clients Hire Waident

1. We suck less.I’ve been telling people that “We Suck Less” for a long time. However, I’ve never been allowed to make it our marketing tagline. Maybe someday! I wish that I could take credit for the phrase but I can’t. It came from a prospective client. In the early...

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Ransomware Best Practice Checklist

Ransomware.  The fact that only top firms make headlines when they are hit may lead some in Main-street businesses to believe that they aren't targets for hackers. Somehow, non-Fortune 500™ companies are immune from attack because they are small fish.  Of course, no...

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Take the Time to Turn on a Credit Freeze

The sad reality is that no one cares about your data so you need to. With the Equifax security breach, more than half of the adults in the US had all of their personal information leaked. It is inconceivable that something like this could happen. Even worse, everyone...

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Waident’s Christmas Tech WishList

  Ho-ho-ho! At Waident, we love good tech, and just like last year, we've curated a dazzling Christmas Tech Wishlist. Dive into the holiday spirit with this collection and discover inspiration for your own Wishlist or get a tech-infused gift idea for your friends...

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Secure Cloud

A modern, secure, and powerful cloud tailored to your needs Eliminate Capital Expenses, Improve Uptime, and Gain Limitless Scalability As cloud computing evolves from technology enabler to business disruptor, IT leaders can leverage new and emerging cloud capabilities...

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Why Waident?

We Deliver Resilient IT.A new model of IT support, for a new age of technology resilience Waident integrates its services into your organization to ensure your technology issues never become fiascoes.  We manage and monitor every device on your network so we can...

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Strategic Cutting Edge Thinking

  Waident delivers strategic thinking and proactive IT support We always put people before technology. After all, technology is useless unless it serves you. That means we do more than just monitor and maintain your core technology. We conduct quarterly meetings,...

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