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Upgrade Your Old Server Hardware or Move to the Cloud?

We are seeing more and more clients struggling with the same situation. They have an old server that is working fine, but they are worried about the increased risk of failure and potential for downtime due to hardware age and expired warranty.  Is it is time to...

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Sell it on eBay – My Story

Until recently I've never sold anything on eBay, Craigslist, or any other auction type site. I never wanted to spend the time and effort to deal with selling my old stuff and having to then work with the buyer to ship it and get the payment. Years ago I looked in to...

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The Importance of Data Classification in Your Cybersecurity

In my last post, I covered the important topic of Data Access — determining who, why, and when of using data sources. In this blog post, I delve into its sibling and prerequisite, Data Classification, which designates the “what” of data, and explore best practices I...

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Worlds thinnest laptop – do you want one?

The Apple MacBook Air - 0.16 to 0.76 inch thin (that is VERY thin), a light 3 pounds, 13.3 inch screen (quite large for that size laptop), a peppy Core duo processor, 2 gigs or RAM, 802.11N wireless (the latest and greatest soon to be standard), and a 5 hour battery....

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Fight Chix

I figured that title may have gotten your attention. I had coffee with one of the owners of the firm, Jacob Nuesser, and though it was compelling to let others know about this brand and the passion of the owners to get this firm fully off the ground. The line of...

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Wireless microphones for almost any need

As a company, we have been helping clients with their collaboration needs for years and have rolled out a lot of videoconferencing units in that time. One of the things that has always bothered me was a lack of wireless microphones for videoconferencing systems. Often...

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Hot Tech Toys from the Past

It always amazes me that technology often changes so rapidly and we become quickly accustomed to it. Whenever I run into articles like the below, it is fun to see what I thought was cutting edge just 10 years ago, looks rather ridiculous today.If you have a few...

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Why would I want to write on my laptop??

The tablet PC has been around for years for Windows, but now there is a Mac version. This can be a very good thing for many Mac users that need this type of functionality.What exactly is a tablet you may ask? The simple answer is that a tablet allows you to write on...

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Toss your PBX for an IP Phone system?

We have a client that had some major problems with a core piece of equipment that handles all of the IP Phone and computer connectivity. It turns out that that piece of equipment is barley capable of handing IP Phones and it is recommended that it is replaced with a...

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Need a new videocamera? Get a Sony HDR-TG1

It was time to get a new videocamera. Not just because the new one I picked up has cool new technology, but more importantly, my old one uses a now defunct recording method called Micro MV (Sony stopped selling Micro MV videocamera's and cassettes years ago). I bought...

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The Dark Web Drama

The Dark Web. You may have heard the phrase before in commercials, online, and in other media. It sounds ominous and scary which is what it is supposed to do since it is really just a marketing term to evoke those feelings. Many companies advertising about the Dark...

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Cyber Security Threats

Tens of thousands of systems are being attacked every second and your security posture needs to change to keep up.   Here are some maps that show real-time cyber-attacks across the globe. Anti-virus and Spam Attacks [advanced_iframe securitykey="undefined"...

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The Great Resignation’s Impact on IT

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “The Great Resignation” by now.  It’s the phenomenon driving droves of employees out of the workforce. Perhaps you're feeling its effects because you've lost great people in your organization or maybe because you're having trouble...

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Resilient IT requires Resilient Partners  As a former CIO, John Ahlberg has worked with many technology vendors over his career.  His experience has shaped Waident’s approach to service delivery, sales and marketing, and the vendors with whom we choose to work. We...

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Is It Time to Fire Your IT Support?

We've all been there - whether we're the CEO, CTO, or IT Manager. We hire or are hired for one particular job (like software development or strategic planning), and then wake up one day and realize that the job is not getting done to our satisfaction. Is it a bad fit?...

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Sh*t Happens

There, I said it.  Sh*t happens.  Let’s face it – bad things occur in life, especially with technology.  We should not just be concerned about preventing it from happening, but also how to respond when it does happen.  Does the organization learn from the experience,...

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Call your Cell Carrier – Now!

If you have not done anything with your cell phone plan lately, give your provider a call. You can save a bunch of money or get a lot more data for "free". In the past year or so a lot has changed with the plans offered by all carriers especially T-Mobile, Sprint, and...

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New Year’s Technology Resolutions

I know you are excited to make Next Year's resolutions all about your IT. Ok maybe not, but you should. Instead of the same routine of another year and another set of resolutions, you are looking to break, try instead making a plan to accomplish some IT objectives in...

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We Suck Less…

I've been telling people that "We Suck Less" for a long time. However, I've never been allowed to make it our marketing tagline (although, we have some notoriety from it). Maybe someday! I wish that I could take credit for the phrase but I can't. It came from a...

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Get your computer to run like it is new again

I think everyone remembers the day they get a new computer. It boots up almost immediately, rarely crashes, programs open quickly, and you are in the world of no pop-ups, viruses, or spyware. It seems that after less than a year, your technology utopia degrades to...

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