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Coffee and free wifi – Does it make sense?

I just read the Chicago Tribune article "Coffee shops take different approaches with laptop squatters" and it raised some interesting points and got me thinking. Does it makes sense for the business to offer free wifi and power to all of their customers? Not too long...

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The End of The Life Of The Windows 2012 R2 Server

On October 31, 2023, Windows 2012 R2 Server will reach its end of life. Microsoft will cease all support of this product, including security updates. Continuing to use it after the deadline will put your business at risk. If you don’t know if your company is currently...

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Applications and technology of the month

Gwabbit ( - The tool is not free but it pays for itself quickly if you need to add a lot of contacts to your Outlook on a regular basis. Wouldn't it be great if you could click on someone's signature in their email and have it create an Outlook...

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Pull Back the Curtain

You remember that moment in the classic movie The Wizard of Oz when Toto pulls back the curtain on the blustery man behind “the great and powerful Oz”? The moment when you think, really, he’s not so scary after all? Like the Wizard, too often IT companies fuel, rather...

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Ransomware Best Practice Checklist

Ransomware.  The fact that only top firms make headlines when they are hit may lead some in Main-street businesses to believe that they aren't targets for hackers. Somehow, non-Fortune 500™ companies are immune from attack because they are small fish.  Of course, no...

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Secure Cloud

A modern, secure, and powerful cloud tailored to your needs Eliminate Capital Expenses, Improve Uptime, and Gain Limitless Scalability As cloud computing evolves from technology enabler to business disruptor, IT leaders can leverage new and emerging cloud capabilities...

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100 Reasons Clients Hire Waident

1. We suck less.I’ve been telling people that “We Suck Less” for a long time. However, I’ve never been allowed to make it our marketing tagline. Maybe someday! I wish that I could take credit for the phrase but I can’t. It came from a prospective client. In the early...

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The Droid 2

My story I did not plan on switching my beloved Droid to the new Droid 2. About a month ago, my Droid power button broke, which made it nearly impossible to turn the phone on/off. I called Verizon and got a warranty replacement. I used the replacement phone for less...

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Avoid the Cold Sweats about Passwords

Do you want to know my dirty little secret?  One that I think is shared by millions?  For years I have not very securely managed my personal passwords.  You know the list -- everything from login information for shopping websites and personal bank accounts, to...

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Event: AI For Business in Milwaukee

Join us for an exclusive panel discussion on the cutting edge of Artificial Intelligence in Milwaukee. Our event will feature leaders from diverse industries, including marketing, IT services, consulting, finance, and law, who are actively adopting and shaping AI...

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Curious Tech – January

COOL TECH – January 2023   I know you have all been waiting for it, January cool list is already here! This one is prepared by one of our amazing techs – Natalie.   Here we go:   Gaming Keyboard  This beautiful device will make gaming not only fun but refreshing. Up...

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Instant Messaging – Which one to use

I have to admit that I just started using instant messaging. I never really saw the need and never wanted to bypass using email for something like instant messaging so I just stuck with email. Several months ago we brought on a new associate who pretty quickly said...

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Is Outlook 2007 slow for you?

This seems to be the month of Outlook tips. This one found by Mark in my office. Definitely worth doing if your Outlook is having problems and is running slower than you think it should. Essentially a lot of programs, especially Microsoft ones, add components of...

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Why Waident?

As a leader, are you talking about the “what” and “how” of your business or the “why”?  I just watched a Simon Sinek video on TED talks and am inspired to write about Why Waident. First, let me give a little background.  If you haven’t discovered TED talks, you...

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Speed Up Your Home Network

5 Ways to Speed Up Your Home Network Has your home network become more of a tortoise than a hare? Check out these five practical suggestions on routers, Wi-Fi, Powerline gear, and more. Here are five things that will make your home network efficient: But first, let me...

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AI: Security Concerns and 4 Ways to Mitigate Them

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere these days. A constant stream of new stories and technology platforms all tout the benefits of AI and how it will change our lives or stories about how AI is bad and will destroy our lives. Extremes at both ends and limited...

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Don’t Be Dumb

The best kind of friend is the one who will tell it to you straight. He won’t hum and haw and pretend to love your idea because he doesn’t want that awkward moment of truth. She trusts your relationship enough to know that while the truth can sting in the moment, in...

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Windows 7 – My Experience

Well I took the plunge and upgraded my Lenovo ThinkPad X61 Tablet laptop to Windows 7. We are a Microsoft partner and have access to the release version of Windows 7 early so I figure why not give it a try since my Vista is so slow that it couldn't be much worse. So I...

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Accessibility Toolbar