by John Ahlberg | Blogs, jahlberg, Security, Strategy
Two of the simplest and cheapest ways to protect your company from a ransomware attack are Multifactor Authentication and a fresh backup. Here’s why. Back up everything! You are not invulnerable. Catastrophicdata loss can happen to you – one worm or...
by John Ahlberg | Security
Company leaders often think that a cyber attack will never happen to them because their company and its data are of no interest to hackers. The list of companies below shared that point of view. But not anymore because they have made the list of the biggest...
by John Ahlberg | Security
The recent news of Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos, getting hacked is part shocker and part nonplussed. It’s a shocker because we think, “How could a tech titan get hacked with all his high tech defenses?” On the other hand, I’m not surprised because...
by John Ahlberg | Security, Support
Ransomware. The fact that only top firms make headlines when they are hit may lead some in Main-street businesses to believe that they aren’t targets for hackers. Somehow, non-Fortune 500™ companies are immune from attack because they are small fish. Of...
by John Ahlberg | Security, Strategy
Ransomware happens. You do your best to prevent it from happening to you, but inevitably someone clicks on something they shouldn’t or your protection tool misses the latest strain of hack and your systems get infected. There is no “one size fits...
by John Ahlberg | Security
It’s no surprise that the state of cybersecurity is constantly changing. Criminals will be criminals. Knowing this does not make it any less annoying to think that just when you have addressed one vulnerability, another one (or two) opens up. It can drive a business...