by John Ahlberg | AI, Security
Many CEOs remain hesitant to embrace AI in their company, but the truth is, we are already surrounded by it. As a cybersecurity firm, our top priority is always security—especially when it comes to using tools like AI. What most people don’t know is that AI has been...
by John Ahlberg | AI, Strategy
It’s that time of year! IT budgeting is not fun, but we all agree it is essential. Many planners fall into the trap of recycling last year’s plan, year after year, without taking a strategic approach. Instead of repeating what you did last year, and frankly years and...
by Natalia Kapustina | AI
At Waident, we’re excited to sponsor The Future of AI, a live salon hosted by our friends – TEDxNaperville, where business leaders can gain valuable insights on Artificial Intelligence from top industry experts. Meet the Speaker: Dr. Mark Brady, Ph.D. The...
by Patrick Giantomasso | AI, Security
At Waident, a Chicago-based leader in cybersecurity, we’ve launched a series of expert interviews to share valuable insights into AI technologies. Today’s guest on “Expert View” is Waident’s Chief Information Security Officer, Patrick Giantomasso. We...
by John Ahlberg | AI, Security
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere these days. A constant stream of new stories and technology platforms all tout the benefits of AI and how it will change our lives or stories about how AI is bad and will destroy our lives. Extremes at both ends and limited...