Curious Tech – October 2022
“Curiouser and curiouser!” Cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English).” ― Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland / Through the Looking-Glass One of the things that I like most about...
The Dark Web Drama
The Dark Web. You may have heard the phrase before in commercials, online, and in other media. It sounds ominous and scary which is what it is supposed to do since it is really just a marketing term to evoke those feelings. Many companies advertising about the Dark...
Employees Still Working From Home? Golden rules for the manager of a hybrid office.
When the COVID pandemic hit, companies scrambled to get everyone working remotely. Some got there faster than others but everyone figured out what worked through trial and error, then settled into a “routine.” In my experience, business leaders were not worried about...
The Great Resignation’s Impact on IT
I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “The Great Resignation” by now. It’s the phenomenon driving droves of employees out of the workforce. Perhaps you're feeling its effects because you've lost great people in your organization or maybe because you're having trouble...
Recovering from Cyber Risks in SMBs Using the NIST Framework
A ransomware attack happens every 11 seconds. In 40% of companies that get hacked, the same organization is hit again within 9 months. I don't share that to scare you (Although, it should get your attention.) It happens because companies think they have addressed and...
Responding to Cyber Risks in SMBs Using the NIST Framework
Prudent business leaders and risk managers understand that identifying, protecting against, and detecting risks are necessary, albeit fallible, actions to mitigate a complex world full of risks. As we have seen from prior posts, cost, time, and resource tradeoffs...
Detecting Cyber Risks in SMBs Using the NIST Framework
You have been following the NIST framework and have successfully identified the areas of risk and implemented protections against them. We're now at the stage to ensure that we are able to detect any breaches that make it over the proverbial "wall." This is a CRITICAL...
Protecting SMBs from Cyber Risks Using the NIST Framework
After SMBs Identify risks in the first step of the NIST Framework, the second step defines the process to Protect your assets. We like to refer to this NIST step as making the "security sandwich." We like this metaphor because we incorporate layers of protection to...
Identifying Cyber Risks in SMBs Using the NIST Framework
Frameworks are great for consultant presentations, but are they relevant to how work actually gets done in the real world? No doubt I have seen my share of boil-the-ocean IT models. I, like most of the pragmatic business leaders of our clients, don't have time for...
Why Cybersecurity Standards are Important to SMBs: Don’t Let Customers Catch You With Your Security Pants Down
I'm often asked if cybersecurity standards are important to SMBs. You bet your sweet bippy! I've seen this story play out more and more over the past several years: One of our clients frantically contacts us because one of their...
The Coming SMB Data Security Compliance Squeeze
Data security compliance has been coming after you for a while. It’s now picking up speed whether you like it or not. A couple of years ago the European Union issued GDPR to help protect citizens’ data rights. Companies that have any data from individuals who reside...
We Suck Less…
I've been telling people that "We Suck Less" for a long time. However, I've never been allowed to make it our marketing tagline (although, we have some notoriety from it). Maybe someday! I wish that I could take credit for the phrase but I can't. It came from a...
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