by Patrick Giantomasso | Featured, Security, Strategy
After SMBs Identify risks in the first step of the NIST Framework, the second step defines the process to Protect your assets. We like to refer to this NIST step as making the “security sandwich.” We like this metaphor because we incorporate layers of...
by Patrick Giantomasso | Security, Strategy
Frameworks are great for consultant presentations, but are they relevant to how work actually gets done in the real world? No doubt I have seen my share of boil-the-ocean IT models. I, like most of the pragmatic business leaders of our clients, don’t have time...
by Patrick Giantomasso | Compliance, Security, Strategy
I’m often asked if cybersecurity standards are important to SMBs. You bet your sweet bippy! I’ve seen this story play out more and more over the past several years: One of our clients frantically contacts us because one of their customers wants to know if...