by John Ahlberg | jahlberg
You remember that moment in the classic movie The Wizard of Oz when Toto pulls back the curtain on the blustery man behind “the great and powerful Oz”? The moment when you think, really, he’s not so scary after all? Like the Wizard, too often IT companies fuel, rather...
by John Ahlberg | jahlberg
A while back I wrote about documentation in a blog entitled Canary in the Coal Mine. The presence (or lack thereof) of documentation can serve as an early warning system on the health and stability of your tech support. Since that time, I’ve had a lot of people ask...
by John Ahlberg | Uncategorized
Waident is pleased to announce that it will now be providing technical support for Cook’s Direct, a business-to-business direct marketer of commercial kitchen equipment and supplies. Located in Warrenville, IL, Cook’s Direct carries over 55,000 commercial kitchen...
by John Ahlberg | jahlberg
The best kind of friend is the one who will tell it to you straight. He won’t hum and haw and pretend to love your idea because he doesn’t want that awkward moment of truth. She trusts your relationship enough to know that while the truth can sting in the moment, in...
by John Ahlberg | jahlberg
Technology consultants – I’m not a big fan. And I don’t think I’m alone. Sure, some large companies need consultants, but I believe that smaller firms should steer clear of them. Frankly the larger companies don’t really need them either, but that is another blog...