Windows 7 is upon us and it is time to accept the inevitable since someday you will be using it. Since that is the case, you might was well try making it work the way you want it to. The Waident team has been using Windows 7 for a while and so far it has been behaving great and is almost a joy to use compared to Vista. It still ain’t a Mac for ease of use and stability, but it is the best Windows operating system to date.
Below are some helpful hints
· Shake a window title bar to minimize all other windows. Let’s say you have too many program windows open and want to focus on just the one. Left click and hold the title bar at the top of the window and shake it back and forth. All of the other windows will minimize. Shake it again and they will open back up to the same position they were before.
· Use check boxes to select items in Windows Explorer – To turn this on, just open folder and choose Tools, then Folder Options, then click the View Tab, find the option called “Use check boxes to select items” and check that off. Now when you hover over files or folders, you have a check box to select it making it very easy for selecting multiple files to copy or move.
· Rearrange your taskbar items – When you open a lot of programs they are all listed on the taskbar at the bottom of your desktop. If you are like me, it is nice to have say Outlook, in the same spot so you do not need to hunt for it. With Windows 7, you can just right click and drag it to the position you want.
· Open another copy of a program that is already running – The taskbar is now doing double duty; it can launch programs and allow you to minimize/maximize the program. If you need to launch another instance of Internet Explorer for example, just Shift click the taskbar instance of the program and a new one will be launched.